NWCCOG Executive Director, Jon Stavney, has extensive experience in local government, working with staff, boards and councils. He places a high value on any opportunity to advise, guide or assist councils/boards and staff at critical decision points or when they want to improve their governance skills. Elections provide this opportunity on a regular, scheduled basis, often brining enthusiastic new faces with little experience working together on a board to make decisions. It is often noted that one new board member can change the dynamics of the group, so even minor board changeover is a key time for groups to check-in and iron out how they want to operate together, and confirm priorities. Executive staff turnover is another pivot point when an outside perspective can be useful. Upon request from a Member Jurisdiction, and pending schedule availability and capacity, NWCCOG can facilitate a variety of activities that can be tailored to meet local needs, or help locate another facilitator to meet those needs. Please click here to review the NWCCOG Facilitations Policy. Examples of recent facilitation activities include:
- Summer 2022 – Co-Facilitated half-day Council retreat for the Town of Basalt with Ryan Mahoney, Basalt Town Manager.
- Spring 2022 – Conducted Interviews of Avon Town Manager’s direct reports and drafted a confidential summary of performance recommendations on behalf of the Avon Town Council and Manager at the request of the Mayor.
- Spring 2021 – Conducted 14 interviews of Town of Avon Manager’s direct reports and drafted a confidential summary of performance recommendations to accompany an employee satisfaction survey being performed by Employers Council for the Town Manager’s 2021 Annual Review with Council.
- Spring 2021 – Assist Town of Fraser with Town Manager hiring process, similar to Fall 2020 Interim manager hiring process.
- Fall 2020 – Assist Town of Fraser develop process to hire Interim Town Manager. Worked with staff to structure announcement, process, schedule, and with both staff and board to screen candidates, and then interview finalists, select and negotiate terms.
- Summer 2019 – Assisted Town of Grand Lake process to hire Interim Town Manager and then hire Full Time manager. (Similar start-to-finish process as with Fraser.)
- Fall 2019 – Facilitated Town of Dillon mini-retreat at a work session with Board and Senior Staff during Town Manager vacancy period to establish priorities for Town Manager and aligning staff and board in those priorities, then helped staff draft an announcement brochure.
- Spring 2018 – Facilitated Town of Minturn all day Strategic Planning Retreat for incoming Manager. Reviewed board roles, led board through several brainstorming and prioritizing exercises to gather raw material for staff to draft a Strategic Plan.
- Spring 2020 – Drafted Grand County Broadband Concept Plan with Regional Broadband Director, Nate Walowitz after gathering input and opportunities over the course of several meetings with stakeholders on a local technical group.
- Fall 2017 – Facilitated Steamboat Economic Development Council two-hour on-the-spot rewrite of Mission and Vision statement with entire group, which has allowed for stable long-term planning.
- Fall 2018 – Facilitated afternoon town Council retreat for the Town of Blue River following their adoption of a Code of Conduct Ordinance in order to refresh board roles & responsibilities and develop public meeting skills.
- Spring 2017 – Facilitated board retreats for the Town of Dillon town board for three years in a row (2017-2019), focused on inter-board relationships including working on communication, group dynamics and meeting skills. Teamed with Sam Light from CIRSA for last retreat.