What is Resilience? Resilience is the ability of a region or community to anticipate, withstand, and bounce back from any type of shock, disruption, or stressor. These shocks can include natural disasters, hazards, and the impacts of a changing climate, but also man-made economic disruptions such as the closure of a region’s large employer, the decline of an important industry, changes in the workforce, and shifts in population trends. The power of resilience planning is that it focuses both on emergency response – how to deal with the immediate impact of a disruptive event – as well as how to prepare and organize in advance and rebuild afterwards with a coherent framework.
The NWCCOG EDD CEDS identified the following key vulnerabilities for the region, such that we can work as a region on becoming more resilient to these factors:
- Adapting to our changing climate
- Understanding risks from natural and other hazards
- Addressing social inequities and unique community needs
- Pursuing economic diversity and vibrancy
- Climate Action Plans
- Eagle County Climate Action Plan
- Eagle County Climate Action Collaborative
- Town of Eagle Net Zero Action Plan
- Sustainable Grand
- Aspen Climate Action Plan
- Pitkin County Climate Action Plan
- Routt County Climate Action Plan Collaborative
- Routt County Climate Action Plan
- Sustainable Breck
- Frisco Climate Action & Resiliency Plan
- Silverthorne Sustainability Strategic Plan
- Summit Community Climate Action Plan
- Disaster Preparedness Plans (Emergency Management Plans)
- Destination Management Plans
- Resources for Resiliency
- DOLA Resiliency Office
- Colorado Resiliency Framework